The philippine passport
What countries are Visa Free to Filipinos?
The Henley Passport Index ranks the Philippines in the 75th place (as of 17 December 2024) with 67 visa free destinations. The index uses exclusive data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the world's largest and most accurate travel information database.
Based on the Henley Passport Index, there are 67 countries Filipinos can travel to visa free.

African Countries that issue VOA to Filipinos
  • Burundi
  • Cape Verde
  • Comoros
  • Guinea Bissau
  • Ethiopia
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritius
  • Mozambique
  • Seychelles
  • Somalia
  • Tanzania

Countries in Asia that issue visa-on-arrival to Filipinos

These countries allow Filipinos to get a visa-on-arrival at the point of entry.
  • Kyrygyzstan

    Filipinos can get single-entry visa for one or two months at the point of entry (Bishek Airport)
  • Maldives

    Filipinos can get a 30-day single entry visa
  • Nepal

    Filipinos can get 15-90 day visas at the time of entry
  • East Timor

    Filipinos can get a 30-day, single-entry visa
Here are countries in Oceania offering visa-on-arrival to Filipinos
  • Marshall Islands
    90 days
  • Palau Islands
    30 days
  • Samoa
    60 days
  • Tuvalu
    30 days
You will get 30 days visa-on-arrival in Tuvalu
You'll get a 6 weeks, single-entry visa-on-arrival to Saint Lucia
You'll get a 90 days visa-on-arrival to Nicaragua
If you need help with getting your eVisa to these countries, got your back!
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